
Showing posts from June, 2024


 I've been trying my best the last couple days to eat better.  I was so out of control that I'm sure I gained weight these last two weeks.  It's hard coming down from that to healthy eating.  Actually, I'm probably not eating as good as I should, but there is a huge difference.  I'm trying to take it day by day, and sometimes craving by craving. Every once in a while I come up with ideas of how to keep myself motivated.  This time around I decided to keep a daily journal in which I document my daily food intake goals, my food journal, a reason to lose weight, something I am proud of regarding my journey, and thoughts of the day. In particular, my reason of the day has kept me focused and on track.  When I start craving something, I think of my reason.  I tell myself that reason has much greater value than satisfying my craving.   My reason also helps me when I get overwhelmed thinking how much I have to lose.  That overwhelment is w...


I've been wanting to take the reins of my life since forever.  I'm always trying one thing or another to do better.  Sometimes I somewhat succeed, others not at all.   Most recently, I'm working on my weight loss.  I began this journey two years ago.  And while I have managed to lose two pant sizes, it just seems so little. I can't really blame anyone or anything for my slow progress.  That's all me.  I do really well with my food intake for a few weeks, then I fall back to unhealthy habits.  Like really bad habits.  I get excited when I think how much I can change if I try hard enough.  I have many things in my favor (intermittent fasting, diabetes injection that causes weightloss, began exercising), I just need to get my food intake on track.   I thought to start this blog to keep me accountable.  If I can see/read my progress, perhaps I can follow through.  And maybe I can pick up a few readers who will cheer ...